Friday, October 1, 2010


"Forever" is one of my favorite Judy Blume books. In my opinion, it does a better job of speaking to its audience than any of her other books. At the same time, it is still sincere and not exaggerated.

For those of you who do not know, "Forever" is about Katherine, a high school senior who has sex for the first time with her boyfriend, Micheal. It is about their relationship over the next few months as well as what is going on in their friends' lives. When they are together at first, they think they will be together, a summer spent apart proves that things will not work out.

Published in 1975, "Forever" is frequently challenged because of the descriptions of sex, and the presence of birth control. However, I feel that it gets information across to its audience in a honest and unbiased way without talking down to them. While it does not encourage sex, it does demonstrate that it is a reality. I recommend this book for anyone in high school above (I do not feel that it would be inappropriate for middle schoolers, but they may not get as much out of it) although I think it speaks especially to girls more than boys.
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